Integrated web application for supplementary insurance at financial services providers Demands made on a point-of-sale solution for insurance companies In the business with supplementary insurance policies such as residual debt insurance or travel insurance policies,...
Köln.Assekuranz Agentur

Köln.Assekuranz Agentur

Newly established industrial insurer Köln.Assekuranz wins market share with innovative portfolio management system In order to replicate the advantages conferred by its ability to structure its products in its technical systems as well, Köln.Assekuranz opted to...
Köln.Assekuranz Agentur

Köln.Assekuranz Agentur

mgm data warehouse for business analyses and consolidated reporting with tamper proof audit trail To meet the high regulatory requirements concerning data management and the reporting derived from the MaRisk (VA) by the BaFin (R3/2009), a complete historical database...
HDI Global (Belgien)

HDI Global (Belgien)

HDI Gerling Belgien: Acquisition of the mid-tier thanks to an innovative multi-risk insurance package and highly automated online broker sales The organic growth of business with defined products in new market segments is only to a limited extent economically viable...