HDI Gerling Belgien: Acquisition of the mid-tier thanks to an innovative multi-risk insurance package and highly automated online broker sales

The organic growth of business with defined products in new market segments is only to a limited extent economically viable due to high personnel and development costs for product planning / pricing, contract administration and claims handling. A highly automated sales approach was developed in collaboration with mgm technology partners, thereby opening up the small and medium-sized enterprises segment for the HDI-Gerling product Compact.

High degree of automation with complete process control

The “eMove” online system was developed for brokers as a technical basis for the solution, which accesses an agency system of mgm technology partners in the backend. The latter evaluates incoming inquiries and transfers acquired business to the relevant inventory systems. The use of the agency system enables price design and price and policy testing to be handled completely in one system, ensuring short market implementation cycles. The integration of existing systems (inventory management, accounting) is achieved through standard interfaces. Complete, system-side process control without media discontinuity is extremely important in online business, as price adjustments may be necessary during market launch. “In online business, the proof-of-concept (PoC) must firstly show that a feasible business has been developed. eMove enabled us to prove the feasibility of the sales approach in a short period of time,” says Wolfgang Filser, project manager at mgm technology partners, outlining the benefits of the use of eMove.


Various security features, such as personalization including server-side password encryption, utilization of the
https protocol and additional access filters, e.g. for PDF use, ensure the necessary trust in the security of the
solution implemented.

Customer satisfaction underlined by positive trend in Compact contract conclusions

A sales solution, such as eMove for HDI Belgium, is only successful if the underlying business concept is properly implemented by the online system and the number of contracts concluded increases.

“With our solution, we can now also offer small and medium-sized customers comprehensive insurance protection for the first time. This would not have been possible without our team’s collaboration with mgm,” states Patrick Thiels, summing up the collaboration.