Control Union

Control Union

Web based inspection and assessment forms with the mgm tool chain A12 Control Union offers global services, covering different parts of its customer’s supply chains. To guarantee swift and reliable service Control Union operates offices in most major ports and...


Online tendering for commercial insurances – convenient and fast E-commerce is characterized by special dynamics. Companies have to be able to adjust their business model and their systems very quickly. That is also true for the tendering portal for commercial...
Bayerische Gemeindeunfallversicherungsverband

Bayerische Gemeindeunfallversicherungsverband

Data migration for the version change of the central CUSA Prevention in C5 technology In its capacity as the statutory accident insurer, the Bayerischer Gemeindeunfallversicherungsverband (Bayer. GUVV, LUK) is responsible for accident prevention, as well as...