Starting Situation
- Against the background of the changed market conditions in energy supply in 2009/10, the IT strategy of the group had to be adapted to the changed business strategy and the changed vertical integration in IT
- In addition, the control logic had to be adapted to the new structures and the detailed technological strategies and roadmaps had to be developed
Project Goals
- Definition of the IT strategy of the Dax group for the next 5 years
- Definition of IT infrastructure and IT security strategy
- Derivation of strategic roadmaps
- Ensuring the necessary grounding for the strategies and the anchoring in the company
- Concretization of the demand and business trends for the next 5 years based on the new business strategy
- Selection of a new strategy framework
- Review of vision / mission
- Definition of strategic goals and principles
- Filling of the framework within the set limits
- Derivation of detailed strategies for security, application and infrastructure
- IT strategy of the group
- IT security strategy of the group
- IT infrastructure strategy